The main modules that constitutes a computer:
The memory
The processor
The exchange units
Memory holds all the data used by the processor. There are two types of data:
A series of instructions
Data on which to execute these instructions
The information stored in a memory only becomes meaningful once it is used.
**If it is handled by a program, it consists of data, and if it is read by the control unit to be executed, it consists of instructions.
For example: If we double click on the icon of a word processor, then this program, stored on a drive, is transferred to memory using a program called a LOADER, which sees it as "data" until becomes a "program" to the user.
Memory is also known as memory words, made up of m electronic elements that can exist in two stable states referred to as "0" and "1".
Each cell is identified by a number - its address. The information in the memory is accessed by setting n lines of the address buses. The binary configuration of these n lines codes the address of the word, whose m bits of content can then be read by the data bus.
The unit of memory size is generally a byte, in which case it is expressed in kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), with:
1 kilobyte = 2^10 bytes = 1024 bytes
1 megabyte = 2^20 bytes = 1048576 bytes
1 gigabytes = 2^30 bytes = 1073741824 bytes
Volatile memories are usually known as RAM (Random Access Memory) and non-volatile memories as ROM (Read Only Memory).
The processor has two functional units:
The control unit
The processing unit
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